Sunday 28 May 2017

Happy Birthday John Fogerty.

The legendary voice of Creedence Clearwater Revival, John Fogerty, celebrates his birthday today.
Currently touring a Creedence set, he is still bringing crowds to their feet and impressing music fans across the world.
It is our fervent wish that at some point he can be ticked off a personal bucket lists of artists that must be seen before I die.
There's not many left, but he is up there.
Meanwhile, until that day, it is a fact that there is not a week goes by that a Creedence song, or something from the equally critically acclaimed solo career, does not get played here in Droog towers.

To celebrate his birthday it would be easy to throw all manner of songs at you from his hugely credible back catalogue, but instead of delving into his own recordings here instead is a short playlist of tracks by artists and bands that he has influenced.



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