Wednesday 24 May 2017

Ppppppp pick up a podcast.

The world of podcasts had up until a year ago partially past me by.
There were a few toe dipping exercises.
A Buddy Holly documentary filled the bus journey to work, similarly another on Joe Strummer, but in general podcast land was a foreign country and I was a stranger to its shores.
That was until around six months ago when I found an app called Podcast Addict.
To call it a podcast search engine would be a disservice as it is so much more.
It's the door to another world.
You can download it from Amazon and then it does everything else for you.
Since I downloaded it I have been frequently listening to shows.
Recommendations would be the Kevin Smith Smodcast, Scroobius Pips Distraction Pieces, The Dana Gould Hour, This Day in Music Radio, Gill and Roscoes Bodacious Horror Podcast, Criminal, and The Penguin Podcast, but they are just scratching the surface.
Type in mountain goats and you might get the option of north facing, or south facing, to choose from.
The world really is your oyster.
Ideal for travelling you can download a few, slip your headphones on and fellow commuters just fade away.
Brilliant if you are a bit misanthropic like me.
It's not even 9am and I've already devoured a three episode documentary on Bowie's time in Berlin.
In a world where we want entertainment 24/7 then podcasts are delivering in spades.
Podcast Addict info here.
You can thank me later for the tip.

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