Friday 23 June 2017

Happy birthday Glenn Danzig

Today the lords of darkness celebrate the birthday of a titan in their midst.
Glenn Danzig is now the grand old age of threescore and two.
Over the years that he has strode this earth as a behemoth his name has struck fear into many.
Namely the parents of fourteen year old boys and girls going through a rebellious stage.
As is right and proper we here at Reservoir Droogs are honoured to participate in this auspicious occasion and bring you some, just some, of the highlights of his career.

First is the time that he went out in daylight to buy some cat litter.
A small chore to some, but for an entity that prefers the shadows, the light of the moon, and the bloodletting of virgins when the sun goes down, we have to take on board how traumatic this must have been.

Hours of preparation must have been considered.

Sun screen or sun block? If it's sun screen then what factor? What to wear to blend in with the day walkers? Will black jeans and a shirt be okay for a trip to the store or is black jogging trousers and a t-shirt better?
Is it acceptable to wear a t-shirt with your own logo on it?

So many questions and so few answers.

You can imagine him sitting stroking his familiar at midnight and mumbling dark thoughts about disabled parking and wondering what the actual fuck a traffic update is.

It is entirely possible that this dark legend suffered a very serious issue with post traumatic stress disorder after visiting the local pet store.

More well known than the cat litter trip is the one where he grabbed headlines about a pile of bricks.

This was when a neighbour had an issue about the the poor level of upkeep on Glenns property, and in particular some bricks that had been left in his yard.
Clear property kerb desirability etiquette had been willfully ignored and the neighbour just wasn't having it.

Now we ask you how are you supposed to keep up with the general repairs to a property when the norm is to get up when the sun goes down and retire before it rises?
This same neighbour who bitched about a few bricks would quite probably be the same one who wouldn't take too kindly to hammering and drilling at 3am.

You just can't win.

Options available to both parties were to seek out some mediation, find a middle ground that was acceptable to both, but that was a shipped that sailed when Glen decided just to break his routine and clean his yard up.

But only in his own style.

That style being uber macho aggression set at eleven when the dial only goes to ten.

The crowning achievement of his career is of course the incident below when he got knocked the fuck out.
Nothing else has to be added about this jewel in the crown of his long career.
You just need to watch it.

All hail Glenn Danzig the meanest cat litter buying brick throwing mofo on the block, apart that big guy with the right hook of course.

Historical footnote, and lesser known is that Glenn was also a member of the Misfits, fronted Samhain, and Danzig too.

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