Friday 30 June 2017

Yorkshire Rats - Unreleased recordings and they are free

We don't hide our appreciation for Yorkshire Rats.
We bloody love them.

So it was a nice surprise to see Don message fans to say that they were putting the tracks up that were recorded many moons ago.

Instead of me waffling about them here he is talking about the material himself.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not one for looking backwards. But I recently came across some tracks from an album that we originally worked on over 10 years ago. Back when me and our other lead singer Sean Úlfheðinn Brewin were both around 18 years old. We were kids, we were poor, we were from broken homes and we were both fucking furious. We weren't professionals but we'd work on those songs day and night then we'd make big plans over cheap pints. As hazy as those early days are, some of my best memories of playing rock n roll are with that man.We're a different and now but I wanted to share these tracks with you all. Much love!

The songs are free to download on bandcamp, but while there it goes without saying that you should grab something else.
You will not be disappointed.

Just click here for them. Unreleased recordings

You can try before you buy there outstanding album Sea of Souls here on Spotify too.


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