Tuesday 4 July 2017

Gigs, gigs, and more gigs. The tip of the iceberg with more to follow.

Can you have too much of a good thing?

I’m talking about gig announcements.

Yesterday I am sure I woke myself up screaming ‘JUST TAKE MY MONEY’ as part of some fever dream that had me trashing a room as I waited on a ticket site screen to reload.

There is just so much out there that my head is spinning with all the options.

The answer to the question is of course no. 

So I thought it would be a good idea to dedicate a blog update to telling you about some of the shows that I am currently looking to attend.

All come with the Reservoir Droog seal of approval, but rather than just take my word for that I've added a video, or a link to the band/artist, so that you can make an informed decision on whether you consider them as essential to attend as I do.

Obviously it is Green Day, Rancid, Slaves and The Skids today, but there's been enough about that on the blog in the run up to it so let's look at the next one on my dance card.

So many friends had recommended that I should listen to Ryan Hamilton that it had started to become embarrassing when they asked what I thought about him and I had to admit that I hadn't managed to get around to actually checking him out.
So a few weeks ago I finally set some time aside and sat down to live up to all the promises I had made and actually listened to him and his band.

Midway through the first song I felt a bit silly.

Here was this fantastic act that had been sitting within easy reach and I hadn't snatched at them as I had been told to.

They're bloody great.

Moral of the story? Listen to your mates. 

The band are touring in August and all the dates and ticket links can be found here.

The next one that you should write down in your diary is Bullets and Octane.

It was Androo Riddell, the drummer of Powderkeg, who first drew my attention to these LA rockers when he mentioned that they were going to be playing Edinburgh and he would personally love to be on the same bill as them.

I had a quick run through of some youtube videos and it was very obvious why they were right up his street.
Punky and trashy in equal measures they are the sort of band that mothers traditionally warn their daughters about.

And in one of those random acts of fate guess who is opening for them?

Yep. It's PowderKeg.

Maybe dreams do come true.

The Bullets and Octane/PowderKeg event details are here.

September sees The Psychedelic Furs arrive in the UK.

Tour dates.

If you are only aware of them through the rose tinted glasses of a dim memory of a John Hughes movie then hang your head in shame.

With this career retrospective tour there is far more than just Pretty in Pink to get your teeth into.

For many this is a bucket list gig to check off, and if you were to have a wander through their back catalogue of material then the reason why would become apparent as they have a treasure trove of fantastic songs to dip into.

Songs like this.

October is by far the busiest month so far though.
and it starts off with a gig of our own.

It gives us great pleasure to remind everyone that we have Duncan Reid & The Big Heads coming back to Glasgow.
Even better is that as before we have Heavy Drapes back with them, and to open the gig it's the punk rock jukebox that is 3 Minute Heroes.

There's simply a lot of bang for your buck with this one.

The last two shows in Glasgow have been described as life affirming by others and there is no reason to think that this time out it is going to be any different.

Bombs Away is one of my favourite tracks on the latest album, but when it is described as a favourite I really mean it is the shiniest jewel that resides in a crown of many many shiny jewels.

And wrap your ears around this and tell me that you still don't get why Heavy Drapes are the most talked about punk band in Scotland just now?

All you need to know about this gigs is on the event page.

If however there is anything else then just message either the facebook page or drop a comment on the blog.

Do you need an introduction to The Bellrays?

If you do then go and grab a pictorial dictionary and look up ramalama.
Under that you will find a photograph of The Bellrays.
Fusing soul and punk together they are a hurricane of a band that sweeps everything in their path out of the way.

When you see this band going full throttle it is a wondrous sight to behold.

Expect to leave a show drenched in a sweat with your heart pounding out of your chest. They will give you a workout that a personal trainer would charge you the earth for.

Just try to keep up. Grab the lightning.

Tour Dates

And as if The Bellarys isn't enough we then have Supersuckers arriving hot on their heels.

I'm not even going to say anything about this one other than the band do not deal in disappointment.

Buy some of their fuckin' records here.

In addition there's also Wednesday 13 with Courtesans, Dick Valentine, Alice Cooper with The Tubes and The Mission, and Blondie coming to Glasgow, but more about them later this week.

So far this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Are you as excited as I am?

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