Monday 3 July 2017

GUN - Favourite Pleasures video preview

As most GUN fans are aware the seventh studio album is released in September, but for those who missed it Music News currently has a preview of the title track and lead single Favourite Pleasures.
You can watch it by simply clicking here.

It's certainly hitting that sweet spot between GUN of old and El Presidente. The driving funk styled rocker is certainly guaranteed to whet the appetite of fans, and will no doubt serve to knock a few people off the fence who are undecided about attending the Barrowlands show in December.

The video itself is self explanatory, but Dante is asking fans if they want to share their favourite pleasures with the band too.

If you do then you can add them to twitter with the hashtag #FavouritePleasures

There's no prize, but that being said if anyone mentions running through fields of wheat then they don't deserve one anyway.

Click on image to enlarge
My favourite pleasure?

Well that would be when my partner and I get some private time together and I am able to commit to paying proper attention to peeling off the outer layers and then pushing my mouth down on the flesh revealed.
Sometimes biting at it.
I just love the feeling of the juices running down my chin.

But who doesn't love buying a bag of satsumas and sharing them with the one you love.

So what is your favourite pleasure? Dante is waiting, with antici-pation for your answers.

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