Thursday 31 August 2017

Playing catch up with QOTSA and The Idol Dead

Queens of the Stone Age - Villains.

Josh Homme is balls deep in the seventies. Maybe it was working with Iggy on Post Pop Depression that gave him the horn, but the new QOTSA album is the glam years getting a solid work out.
The Bolan estate might want to have a word as it’s so blatant, but as an aficionado of all things seventies glam I’m not too bothered about him dancing on the graves of Bowie, Bolan and Reed as he is doing it with an eye on it all being a homage, and we all love a party in a graveyard anyway.
Sex, drugs and death innit? If you are hardwired with a love of rock and roll it’s in your blood. Just admit it.  
In so many ways Villains is just a big glorious love letter to those stars of yesteryear and sometimes there’s nothing wrong with that when it is done well, and it is done well here.
Now that the album has bedded in it’s actually surprising that so many critics and fans are currently sitting on the fence and offering lukewarm opinions about Villains.
You could be forgiven for thinking that it’s an album you could wait to get around to picking up, but if the sound of the halcyon days of the androgynous rock years floats your boat then you should certainly do yourself a favour and ignore all the milquetoast chatter and grab a copy now.
This could be the album of the year for you.
Let’s not beat around the bush. The mash up of QOTSA and glam rock is a match made in heaven.  


The Idol Dead – Tensions & Release

Justice! If there was any justice in the world The Idol Dead would be rock and roll behemoths. They would be laying waste to stadiums and bringing back the golden years when rock stars roamed the earth as gods, but right now the world is having a passing infatuation with lowest common denominator shit so the guys will just have to bide their time.
Yeah I know it’s all subjective but who is in charge here?
Maybe the next album can be called. Wrong place, Wrong Time, All the Time, but regardless of what is currently in and out it can’t really be denied that with this release they have knocked it out of the park. It’s a home run album in every sense of the phrase.
Its dirty rock and roll sung and played with punk attitude and there’s no weak links on show. Every song is up there trading blows with the big boys and girls who have the platinum discs hanging in their bathrooms, and on more than one occasion it is the Idol Dead that is landing the heavier punches.
Fingers crossed the band do a UK wide tour in support of this. The Idol Dead are what the music scene needs just now. They are the defibrillator that needs to be pressed hard against the chest of the dead horse that the music biz keeps flogging.


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