Sunday 21 January 2018

So what have the Droogs been up to? Pretty much f**k all mate, but that's changing.

Here's Dave. He wants you to go and see The Damned.
It would be rude not to. So we will.
It's time to get the nose back to the grindstone isn't it?

So as from tomorrow we are back. We have even made a list.

And here it is.

Some podcast recommendations.
Live reviews - Skids (King Tuts - Glasgow)
Reviews of releases - Buzzbomb, Steve Conte, Eureka Machines, Skids.
Updates - Scott Sorry benefits.

That will be enough to be getting on with.

After that the updates will be a bit haphazard as life at the moment isn't allowing for a commitment to posting to a time frame. You gets what you gets.

So until tomorrow here are some songs to be going on with.

First up is Ryan Hamilton & the Traitors with their latest single.
Tour dates are out there and will be listed in the next few days with some further information on what Ryan is up to.

And as Kelly and I have sorted out tickets for Sparks, and I am rather excited about that, here is the lead single from Hippopotamus.

...and last, but never least, is this blast from the past from Crazyhead. We shall be making a road trip to London to see these guys later in the year. It's one of those if the mountain doesn't come to Mohammed deals.

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