Thursday 24 May 2018

Don't be like Robin.

Don’t be like Robin.

Don’t wear green tights because no matter what anyone tells you they will not look good on you.
Peter Pan; that boy or girl or gender non specific person from neverland is the only person that ever looked good in green tights. So don’t even go there. You can't carry it off. Listen to the mirror.
You can go to Neverland Ranch if you want though. It might look like shit now, but even with an abandoned fairground that is a health and safety risk it’s still more kid friendly than it used to be.

And don’t say that there is nothing good out there when talking about music because after Batman slaps that nonsense out of Robins mouth he will undoubtedly do the same with your cretinous remark, and then I will be next in line and I will promise you that I will make your teeth rattle.
I will smack you so hard that people will think you have a birthmark the shape of a hand on your face a whole year later. And after I do that RandySavages will take over, and Darling Boy will be right behind them too.

There’s always good music out there. Especially if you don't feel inclined to be stuffed into a little genre box.
If you do start to look for it then after minutes online you will be gasping for air as wave after wave of it pushes you ever further from the shores of chart mediocrity.

You want proof. Have at it.

Disclaimer : No Robins were hurt in the writing of this update. 

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