Thursday 8 June 2017

Going Out #5 with Wonder Woman, The Blind Shake and Rocket Reducer

Wonder Woman

Finally DC has tentatively begun moving towards adding some cohesion to the Justice League franchise with the appearance of Wonder Woman.
It's been a long time coming, and the patience of the fans has been sorely tested with first a lacklustre Man of Steel which was then followed with a disjointed Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, before they then pushed their luck to the limit with the slapdash Suicide Squad making an appearance.
For the last it could be argued that they went all out to deliver a merchandise advert masquerading as a movie and partially succeeded.
Barnum and suckers come to mind whenever Suicide Squad is mentioned.

C’mon! I can’t be the only one that wasn’t feeling these movies?

Each, individually, could be described as films which illustrate that box office receipts have little to do with quality.
Howlers one and all with barely a redeeming feature between them.
And it is to this backdrop that Wonder Woman steps forth from, and dare we say it the very poor lead up has created a situation where a fair film would be called good and a good film great.

The film is a superhuman leap forward from its predecessors; there is no argument here about that, but even with the vast improvements it still comes in as a good film rather than anything more.
Even a very good film if you want to push the point.
As romps go few will be disappointed as it ticks all the action hero boxes, and it has rightly been applauded for attempting to redress the gender balance in superhero movies.
That’s something that has been long overdue and fingers will be crossed that Wonder Woman is the catalyst for more to come.
And yet even with all the praise being heaped on this release there is a bit of a cold light of day reconsideration that whispers that the praise is being just a bit hyperbolic.

The pacing is well considered, the cast put in solid performances, and the plot is sound, but it does seem to lack that certain something that pushes a movie from being great to being that bit more than great.

As a movie that is at its heart band anti war outing it really didn’t push home the horror and futility of the mass loss of life in the fist world war.
Obviously the aim is to entertain a very wide market that includes young impressionable fans, but maybe the bloodless action could have done with something a bit more gut wrenching to sell the premise.
Who knows? It’s possible that in the morning after the night before what seemed initially very satisfying just isn’t standing up to any harder scrutiny.

Back to the positives though: With Wonder Woman DC have certainly made a come back after years of playing second fiddle to Marvel, but the fight aint over yet and the jury will still be out for Justice League.

The Blind Shake -  Rocket Reducer. Broadcast - Glasgow 02/06/17

Last minute decisions to attend gigs can provide an uncertain outcome, but catching both The Blind Shake and Rocket Reducer delivered far more than expected.
Rocket Reducer most certainly have a few John Reis releases between them and their set reflects their influences.
More Rocket from the Crypt than Drive Like Jehu, and if that wets your appetite then look no further for your kicks.
A quality set from a good band and well worth keeping an eye out for the next time they play.

Headliners The Blind Shake offer a whole different experience though.
In part they sound like the house band of a cantina in the Cursed Earth.
You could imagine Judge Dredd working his way through some rowdy mutants to lean against the mesh separating the band from the audience to say ‘Drokk it you guys can play’.
It’s difficult to know where to start when trying to describe them.
Devo meet the Velvet Underground and jam out something that sounds like The Wypers covering Sigue Sigue Sputnik.
And while that might do for me I am sure that everyone else in attendance could offer up something completely different, and that’s fine.
With the band losing a drummer on their travels it was down to then to carry on as a duo, and for me that works, but it would be unfair to say it was better as without any knowledge of them performing as a three piece I couldn’t commit to that, but I can commit to saying that there is still plenty of energy coming from them as a duo.
Far more than would probably be expected by most.
Two people shouldn’t be able to make the noise they do, but that’s a moot point as they did, and did in some style.

Yeah, as a last minute adventure looking for gig kicks this show covered it.


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