Tuesday 6 June 2017

Will the devil ride again?

If you are a pack rat like me then occasionally you have to bite the bullet and wade into the piles of albums, CDs, magazines, DVDs, books and so much more just to regain some living space. 

The only problem is that once you stumble across an album you haven't heard in a while you have to put it on, and that leads to another, and then another. Then while listening to them you start to deconstruct the piles of books with the intention of boxing most up to drop them off at a charity shop, but then what you do is starts sorting them into still to read, going to read again, and I can't part with this one towers. 

Same deal with the movies, and everything else. The chore becomes a magical hour or two of rediscovery. And that's what I have been doing right now, and while I have been basically just rearranging where everything is I have stumbled across an old fanzine that I did. 
It's crap. Or to be more specific it is crap in my opinion, but we are all our own harshest critics, so who knows. 
It does feature a few interviews, the bigger names being The Rezillos and Gogol Bordello. 
So to get to the point of the post it is to ask if anyone is interested in me transcribing them over to the blog? 
There would be no rush job on it, but if you want them then you can have them. 
A part of me is probably going to do it anyway just so that there is a record online of them, but some encouragement might mean that I do them sooner rather than later.

Update: And yet another has been found.
This time it is the debut of El Diablo.
If memory serves me right then this was around early 2003, mid point of that year at the most as I had interviewed Lucinda Mellor (The wife of Joe Strummer) about the charity that was being started up in his memory.
Apart from that there is the interview with Michael Davis of MC5 that is already online, but there is Patricia Morrison in there too.
In hindsight it's difficult to wrap my head around how I managed to get these people involved from a cold start.
Glancing through them is like looking through a window to the past.
Maybe somewhere there is a few Unnatural Exposures kicking about.
That was my first tentative steps into the world of writing about music.

Same deal as the other. If anyone wants some of the content appearing online then message the page or add a comment non facebook. 

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