Friday 18 August 2017

Reach for your GUN

In the great words of the reputable, and most esteemed, Doctor Frank N Furter 'I see you shiver with antici.........pation' about the forthcoming release of  'Favourite Pleasures' from GUN.

And so you should be.

It's less than a month to go now. Oh how time flies when you are having fun. So mark the 15th of September in your diaries. Write it in red marker and draw a circle around it. Call your boss and take a holiday to celebrate it.
Seriously. You don't want to have any other distractions on the day. Let's devote it to celebrating all things GUN.

With three tracks already aired by the band the album is shaping up to be a doozy. Not that anyone expected anything less from them.
Or did you?
Did you harbour some doubts? Yes you. You at the back there. That's right. You! Hang your head in shame. Shame on you. Have you even listened to the songs?

Well here they are to save you having to go and look for them. Don't say we ain't good to you.

Is it just us or does Silent Lovers sound like a Beatles and Clash (Londons Calling) mash up while still being unmistakably GUN?

And the latest hot of the presses.

So are you now suitably excited?

And if all of that isn't enough the band are going to do some acoustic in-store/signing appearances and we are filing that away as proof that you can get too much of a good thing.

Dates are:
15th Sept - HMV Glasgow @ 5.30pm
16th Sept - Feel The Groove Paisley @ 1pm
18th Sept - Assia Records - Edinburgh @ 1pm and Assia Records - Dundee @ 5,30pm

Don't forget the dates with InMe and the Barrowlands gig too.

Oh it's all getting to much.
My hearts racing like a conservative minister that has just been told that Murdoch knows about the cocaine and rent boy parties..........and is pissed that he didn't get an invite.

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