Thursday 17 August 2017

Ryan Hamilton & The Traitors. 100% recommended.

Without over sharing there has been far more downs than ups over recent weeks around these here parts. Hence the dearth of blog updates.

That's not something that I am cornering the market on though.

Without exaggerating I don't think I can recall a time when so many people I know personally - and by extension through my love of music - have been going through such hard times.
It doesn't really matter what they are. It could be a physical health issue, a mental health issue, financial problems, a relationship breakdown, or a combinations of all of them.

Life, at times, can pretty much suck.

For myself one of the few things that I have been looking forward to is seeing Ryan Hamilton and the Traitors tonight.
The gig could realistically be described as the light at the end of a tunnel that I was aiming to reach, or possibly considered as a singular night of respite that will allow me to let my hair down and recharge the batteries in readiness to face whatever comes next.
Regardless of that I have been very much looking forward to it, and I'd like to dedicate this update to everyone out there who is waking up with their first thought being 'I need a break from this shit'.

So here's Ryan Hamilton and the Traitors to blow some cobwebs away just for you. And remember, tomorrow is another day.


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